Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Getting "in the swing" of Spring '10

my first weekend back at lasell college!

Coming back to Lasell after four months abroad and almost two months of winter vacation definitely had it's "ups"and "downs." I felt as though I had been thrown into three different lives within the matter of a year: Student and apartment owner abroad, family member and girlfriend, as well as Lasell junior with a heavy course load.
When I drove on to Campus for the first time since last May I remember thinking, "Shouldn't I be done with this? I've ha
d so much life experience, I feel like I've already graduated." The truth is, I hadn't graduated and though that life experience will stay with me forever, it's time to snap out of it and come back to reality.
Beginning this semester I already knew I was in for a different experience because I had chosen to live in a single room in one of the residential houses on campus. I had never lived in a single before, but was anxious to see what it would feel like to have my own room. I also knew this semester would be different because I was taking 6 academic Communications courses as well as taking on the position of Editor of the Arts and Entertainment section of the 1851 Chronicle.
My first week back was easy. Reconnecting with friends I hadn't seen before I left the country was among some of my favorite parts about rejoining Lasell. After the first week of classes I started to feel the academic pressure rising- my assignment book was flooding with pen marks and the calender hanging in my room had not one open spot to write on. I had almost forgotten how busy college can be!

Getting back into the "swing" of things ended up to be an easier transition than I had thought. I fell in love with my homey residential house and the room that's all mine, my old friends had made new friends that are now a welcomed addition to my life, and the long nights of homework, early morning classes, meetings and going to work gave me a purpose back at school, so I never felt out of place. Today is my deadline for the first issue of the Chronicle and I was up a good amount of last night editing and writing, but I almost feel relieved to be back to normalcy... even if "normalcy" means writing and typing through the night!
Feeling like you may not belong or have a purpose in your college community sometimes stems from not trying to "put yourself out there." Finding a club, organization or job that you enjoy and that challenges you is a great way to find where you "fit." Often, it takes some time to find where that is, but there are so many options on campus that finding your place may be much easier than you think.