Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Study Abroad Fall '09

Many people have said it, though it couldn't be more true: college is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and educational times of your life. The growing experience starts when your family leaves you as a first year student in an unfamiliar residence hall that soon becomes your home- the rest of the journey is up to you. You may choose to join a club or organization, find a job on campus or even head your own program. Finding the specific path to your success and happiness during your college years may lead you in a number of directions- some may turn out to be dead ends, others have the power to change you in more ways than one.

If you had asked me as a first year student if I saw myself living in another country by the time I was twenty, my answer would have been an obvious "no." Though, here I am, a year and a half from graduation with four months of experience living and studying abroad in Florence, Italy.

Pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and becoming more acquainted with the person you would like to be is part of the "college experience." For me, studying abroad forced me to come out of a shell I wasn't even aware I was in: I was able to live on my own, gaining self confidence and independence, I had the opportunity to learn a new language as well as being able to travel easily around Europe. I even made friends within other cultures.

If the abroad experience is where you see your path taking you, or even if it falls into your lap, Lasell can help clear the way. Lasell College offers numerous programs to many diverse countries around the world. In my case, I spent no more than my yearly college tuition to study in Italy. My program also offered me a meal plan where I was able to eat at Italian pizzareias, cafes and ristorantes for almost nothing.

To learn more about studying abroad feel free to visit the Lasell College web site or to contact Lena Capiello, Coordinator of International Services at